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captain mel porter outpost keating

Another 10 Afghan soldiers and several Taliban were killed during these operations. This agreement did bring down the level of combat in the Kamdesh area. [7]:1238,1368,18191,407. They expanded the perimeter all the way back to the entry control point and to the buildings on the western edge of the outpost, which became their final fighting position. American forces formed a thinly held and poorly supplied picket line from Naray to Kamdesh along the river. "As evening fell on the night of 3 October 2009, COP Keating remained solidly under US control, and enemy forces had suffered severe tactical defeat," according to the Army report, although "eight American soldiers made the ultimate sacrifice defending their outpost and their fellow soldiers." [29], Following the battle, the U.S. Central Command conducted an investigation on what had occurred, led by US Army General Guy Swan. Commanders of Camp Keating are disciplined for not taking proper measures that led to deaths of eight U.S. soldiers and the wounding of 22 others in a Taliban attack. Then tragedy struck again. [7]:1238,1368,18191,407, Despite recommendations not to drive the large supply vehicle, First Lieutenant Ben Keating took the wheel while returning an armored supply truck to the Naray FOB. The 53. Not exactly, but in researching The Outpost's historical accuracy, we learned that a similar incident happened the year prior, in 2008, involving more than just one dog. [39] The Netflix documentary series, Medal of Honor, includes an episode detailing the actions of Clinton Romesha and Ty Carter.[40]. Staff Sergeant Vernon Tiller, the most senior mechanic, was in the passenger's seat when it went over the cliff. The outpost's depot was promptly looted by the insurgents and bombed by American planes in an effort to destroy the lethal munitions left behind."[10]. [The airspace above] Keating was packed full of jets, so we knew this was not an ordinary engagement, Kulish told Air Force Magazine. At one point, he and his men came under heavy sniper fire. During the day-long battle at Combat Outpost Keating last Oct. 3, the base was temporarily overrun by an estimated 300 Taliban fighters. The population of Nuristan is ethnically distinct from the rest of Afghanistan, and divided into four major groups, the Kom, Kata, Kushtoz, and Kalasha. The brigade was busy guarding another village, and numerous other resources had been consumed looking for Bowe Bergdahl, a U.S. soldier who was held captive by the Taliban after he deserted his post on June 30, 2009. One of the casualties was a bright young specialist named Stephan Mace, whom Cordova kept alive for nine hours by transfusing fresh blood from other soldiers, himself included. He later set up the tactical satellite radio to coordinate air support and medevac. Served with United States Army since 2008. The veterans who served as technical advisors on the film said that the set was eerily similar to the real outpost, which no longer exists. This seems to be displayed rather accurately in the movie, at least with regard to how it's described in Tapper's book. It's at least the third time officers were disciplined after soldiers' deaths. Lurie, a West Point graduate and Army veteran, listened to what I had to say and agreed to let me visit the set. Sgt. Captain Frank Brooks, commanding at LZ Warheit, was dismayed to discover the PRT could not be quickly reached by LZ Warheit. Fallen Heroes 3-61 Cavalry, 4th BCT, 4th ID. This page was last edited on 25 January 2023, at 06:49. "We're surrounded, and we're sitting in a bowl," Porter said on "Good Morning America" today. The first effort was made by First Lieutenant Dave Roller. The attack on COP Keating resulted in 8 Americans killed and 27 wounded while the Taliban suffered an estimated 150 killed. It's a solid 10/10 read: No hot food, No fire support. Served with United States Army since 2005 and Participated in. Between each take, the director and actors paused and turned to Cordova, who offered feedback to make the scene match his memory. View Video of Taliban Fighters in the Camp. [7]:12930 1345,156. In Odysseus in America: Combat Trauma and the Trials of Homecoming, Jonathan Shay calls this form of catharsis the communalization of grief, in which trauma survivors tell their stories and listeners can listen, believe and remember. This is when the circle of healing is complete. I'd have to look more into the specific situation to know more but from the general impression of the situation. To avoid damaging the trust they had established with the Afghans, Cali and another semi-hostile dog named Willie Pete were shot by Staff Sergeant Ian Boone and another soldier. Died of his wounds after his leg was hit by a single gunshot wound. However, Army 1st Lt. Benjamin Keating's death actually happened three years earlier, in 2006, not 2009. After dispensing with the enemy, QRF continued their descent and entered the outpost at approximately 7:00pm. On his way, he stopped to offer first aid to wounded troops. The camp burned into the night and some of the building walls fell to the ground. Captain Melvin Porter, 4th Infantry Division, US Army, said: "We're sitting in a bowl so we are constantly under observation." This is how the war went at COP Keating: a few pot shots from. Copyright 2023, CTF Media, Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, View Video of Taliban Fighters in the Camp. Click here for complete coverage of the Afghan war. Follow-up attacks attempted by Taliban forces were subsequently thwarted by U.S. Keating died while serving at the base in 2006 and it was . [7][8] The former of which is based on the book The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor by journalist Jake Tapper. Regrouping there, they pushed out teams to retake much of the outpost. Please email thoughts and suggestions to SHAPLEIGH, Maine It's been nearly 14 years since Ken and Beth Keating lost their son, Army Captain Benjamin Keating, in Afghanistan. Without adequate support, they were left to fight for their lives against overwhelming odds. In Afghanistan, MAJ (R) Cordova was involved in the Battle of Kamdesh at Combat Outpost Keating on the 3rd of October 2009. A dog named Cali growled at the eldest son of an Afghan Security Guard, who would often come to the post with his father. [7]:803,945,11620, While attempting the pickup, a Chinook transport helicopter crashed in the darkness at 10:09 PM when the rear rotor hit a tree, and the helicopter slid down the slope and over a cliff, exploding in flames and killing all the crew and passengers. A bus carrying employees of an Afghan television station was bombed in Kabul on May 30. are assisting Somali soldiers fighting Al Shabab, and by a health care system that utterly failed him, The case has irritated U.S. relations with a crucial military ally. This strategy depended upon extending government control by building and maintaining provincial reconstruction team bases. Formalized as "The Commitment of Mutual Support" the agreement also provided the Shura would provide local security in return for an end to uninvited American military searches of local towns and mosques. He worked throughout the battle, calling in strikes on enemy positions, even amidst a winter storm that blew in right at the height of the battle. Staff Sergeant Clinton Romesha and Staff Sergeant Ty Carter were awarded the Medal of Honor for their actions during the battle. -CBS Sunday Morning. In the end, as part of an effort by General Stanley McChrystal, the top commander in Afghanistan, such remote outposts were closed so that more troops could be used to protect civilians in populated areas. That doesnt mean anything should be taken from the guys on the ground. Roller attended his next meeting with village leaders dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. Combat. The smaller U.S. force ultimately beat back the attack after a fierce hours-long battle where Apache helicopters, that raced to assist the besieged soldiers, made all the difference. Nine soldiers were awarded the Silver Star for valor. Photo Courtesy of the U.S. Army.When the battle ended after more than 12 hours, eight U.S. soldiers were killed and another 22 wounded. In 2018, I flew on my own dime to Sofia, Bulgaria, to witness the making of the film based on Jake Tappers book The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor. Chris Cordova, an old friend and another veteran of the battle, came with me. [20] Observation Post Fritsche was attacked simultaneously, limiting available support from that position. [33] 1st Lt. Andrew Bundermann's Silver Star was upgraded to a Distinguished Service Cross as well. It is a story about the battle to defend against a coordinated Taliban attack that later came to be known as The Battle of Kamdesh. On Oct. 3, 2009, the odds were against U.S. troops at Combat Outpost Keating in Afghanistans Nuristan province, located just 10 miles from the Pakistan border. Set up new plants in Mirdesh and Gawardesh. MAJ Porter talks about his first couple of days into country as he was getting set up and received direct attack resulting . So if you see the film when it comes out over the Fourth of July weekend, know that you are not just watching a war movie. You must log in or register to reply here. AAF forces involved fit the pattern of the improved force, in that they were uniformed and equipped as Afghan Army and police forces, with the latest weapons and radios issued to government Afghan forces, along with ski masks. Without air support, I dont think we would have made it, considering the number against us and the area we were in, McMurtrey said. Aaron Dove, pilot and weapon systems officer of one of the F-15E aircraft coordinating close air support, were also awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. The Outpost real story confirms that COP Keating was evacuated two days after the battle. Martina Skokova. Jayson Souter, and 1st Lt. Cason Shrode, including attack helicopters, A-10s, a B-1 bomber, and F-15 fighters, destroyed the local mosque, where much of the insurgents' heaviest fire originated. The military's failure to close Combat Outpost Keating earlier likely contributed to the Battle of Kamdesh, which resulted in eight U.S. soldiers losing their lives, while 27 others were left wounded. [10], OP Fritsche was established to provide overwatch for COP Keating and was manned by a mix of US and Afghan national forces. American forces had already planned to pull out of the area as part of a plan to move forces to more densely populated areas, so closure of the base was imminent when the attack occurred. Again, it was later noted that many of Porter's decisions were sound. Keating was permanently shut down three days following the attack. He saw service in the First Barbary War, the War of 1812 and in the West Indies.On July 2, 1812, Porter hoisted the banner "Free trade and sailors' rights" as captain of USS Essex. [7]:298304, By October 2007 the elders and mullahs of the Kamdesh area had been inspired by Rahman to gather at Kamdesh for a mass meeting, or shura to plan the future of Nuristan. They made sustained attacks over a two-day period, drawing American support forces and widespread air forces into the battle. Towards the end, resupply flights were limited to moonless nights when near total darkness offered some protection to helicopter crews and their craft. I highly recommend picking up a copy as it goes into far far greater detail about the history and events leading up and during the battle. David Porter (February 1, 1780 - March 3, 1843) was an officer in the United States Navy in the rank of captain and the honorary title of commodore.Porter commanded a number of U.S. naval ships. They were commanded by Captain Tom Bostick. He assumed command of CO Keating following the death of Captain Robert Yllescas in a Taliban IED attack in December 2008, and he almost immediately acquired a negative reputation among his new command, who called him "Broward the Coward" for planning . The fighting at COP Keating, which is also known as the Battle of Kamdesh, involved an attack by over 400 insurgents against the combat outpost, which was slated to be dismantled. A commander who has no trust for or from his subordinates, keeps them in the dark, and fails to make the intent of his orders clear is making it harder for everyone else to do their jobs and jeopardizing mission success. These factors resulted in an attractive target for enemy fighters," the report concluded. [7]:228,249,469, At the end of May 2007, Bulldog Troop, 1-91 Cavalry Squadron, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, arrived at COP Keating. In this December 2012 interview, MAJ Melvin Porter, US Army, Signal; discusses his deployment to Afghanistan as a company commander for 3-61 Cavalry (CAV) in 2009 through 2010 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). The U.S. evacuated the camp three days later. Members of 10th Mountain Division's 1-32 Infantry Regiment were air lifted to the nearest helicopter landing zone on OP Fritsche and arrived at approximately 2:00pm, as recalled by a soldier on scene. Combat Outpost Keating was a small American military outpost in Nurestan Province, in Afghanistan. On Oct. 3, while Cordova was in the aid station keeping Mace alive, I was fighting to get back with a company of reinforcements. Located near the border with Pakistan in the Afghan province of Nuristan, COP Keating was the scene of a coordinated attack by as many as 300 Taliban fighters who stormed the exposed base. Thomas Rasmussen fought back and was knocked off his feet by a rocket-propelled grenade. Moreover, again according to Romesha, the officer who was in charge until very shortly before the battle, Captain Melvin Porter, was criminally incompetent and allowed the perimeter defenses to fall into decay, despite repeated requests from Romesha and his friends to improve them. Four U.S. Army officers were reprimanded for "inadequate measures taken by the chain of command." As it became obvious that COP Keating was too isolated, indefensible, and impossible to supply, plans were made to close it beginning in December 2008. "Reviewing and examining and improving are part of our process and when we do it from within, it is embraced," said the officer who asked not to be identified. After Keating's death, the camp was renamed Combat Outpost Keating in his honor. They performed heroically and bravely.. So first and foremost: The movie is based off the book of the same name. -The Outpost book. The Taliban surprised the outpost with mortar fire and a massive infantry assault which partly overran and nearly destroyed COP Keating, and, while the Americans and their allies held off several Taliban attacks on the base in the bloodiest battle in Afghanistan since the 2008 Battle of Wanat, the outpost was shut down shortly after and its depot The Outpost true story reveals that the soldiers were surrounded by more than 300 Taliban fighters, many of whom were rushing in from Pakistan, which was only 14 miles from COP Keating. AAF operations were expanding, supported by Taliban organizations in Pakistan. I only heard of it being a thing last year, never actually looked up when it actually happened. A note was attached to his body which said: "Don't work with coalition forces. You are using an out of date browser. I have my own war stories from that day, but watching one of my best friends relive his on set was the closest I could come to fully understanding his heartache and pain. Actor Milo Gibson, the son of Mel Gibson, portrays Capt. It was treacherous and subject to enemy ambush. It seemed that it would get extremely intense, with a lot of fire, a lot of RPGs hitting the wall, and then it would die, McMurtrey told Air Force Magazine in 2011. 8 killed 27 wounded[5] 4 killed 10 wounded. Constant ambushes and firefights along the road to Naray did little to relieve Keating's doubts. But I never told the story from my own perspective. Many of the Afghan National Army members there in support of the coalition troops fled. U.S. soldiers reported that none of the Afghan defenders held their positions. [9], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}352523N 711944E / 35.4231N 71.3289E / 35.4231; 71.3289 (Location of Combat Outpost Keating). Understandable discrepancies emerge when a book that covers four years at a remote mountain outpost is compressed into a two-hour production, but the film unquestionably captures the essence of the soldiers sacrifices, as well as the love we feel and the sorrow we share. Matthew McMurtrey a cyber systems operator was attached to the 61st Cav and woke at6 a.m. that day to the walls of his bunk shaking, alerting him to the attack. On Oct. 3, 2009, the camp and its 53 soldiers were attacked by some 400 Taliban fighters. Several of the surviving soldiers were technical advisors on the film, including Medal of Honor recipient Ty Carter, who is played by Caleb Landry Jones. [7]:95,268. The movie was filmed in 2018 on a set created at the base of a mountain in Bulgaria, not far from the city of Sofia. The entire Outpost Keating was recreated. [36], On 11 February 2013, President Barack Obama presented the Medal of Honor to Staff Sergeant Clinton Romesha, a survivor of the battle. It took place while First Lieutenant Kaine Meshkin (not in the film) was leading a patrol to Observation Post Fritsche. The elder considers this to be a bad omen and demands that there be retribution. Outnumbered and outgunned, the soldiers fought. One officer in Afghanistan who was familiar with the attack on COP Keating said he had mixed feelings about the criticism leveled against the camp's commanders. It occurred on October 3, 2009, when a force of 400 Taliban assaulted the American Combat Outpost ("COP") Keating near the town of Kamdesh in Nuristan Province in eastern Afghanistan. This will happen to you." [5][7]:53141 Observation Post ("OP") Fritsche was attacked simultaneously, limiting available support from that position. I only watched the trailer. Action at the Aid Station At one point, the insurgents even controlled the ammunition supply point. [5][10] Two USAF F-15E fighter bombers circled overhead, led by Captains Mike Polidor and Aaron Dove and their wingmen, 1st Lt. Justin Pavoni and Captain Ryan Bone, for almost eight hours, helping coordinate airstrikes by 19 other aircraft. [17], Coalition forces received three human-source intelligence reports sometime before the battle indicating that insurgents were planning an attack on the outposts. Gul Mohammed Khan, the government administrator for Kamdesh District, lived at the intersection of the Landay-Sin and Darreh Ye Kushtoz rivers. The movie is based on the 2012 nonfiction book The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor by CNN's Jake Tapper. Shane Courville; Cordova; George Arvidson as Cordova. [9], Bravo Troop, 3rd Squadron "Destroyers", 61st Cavalry Regiment manned COP Keating. As the sun rose on Oct. 3, 2009, about 300 Taliban launched a surprise attack on COP Keating. The second incident happened in 2008 at Observation Post Fritsche. Contained between the Landay River and steep mountains, Keating was attacked from multiple directions by 300 enemy fighters. Colonel John W. Nicholson Jr., Commander of the 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team of the 10th Mountain Division, had observed that Kamdesh was located at a point where three of the valley systems from the Pakistan border in the north converged. His wounds were severe and while he was initially in and out of consciousness, he died before they could get him back to the outpost. Written by CNN journalist Jake Tapper, he tells the story of soldiers living in the remote mountains of Afghanistan and Combat Outpost Keating. Several days after the battle, U.S. aircraft bombed the location in an effort to destroy any munitions that remained. In May 2016 CBS News profiled Staff Sergeant Romesha, after he published an account of his experiences at the base, entitled Red Platoon: A True Story of American Valor. And he was becoming disillusioned with the possibility of what he thought. [18], At about 3:00a.m. on October 3, over 350 Taliban backed insurgents ordered all Kamdesh villagers to leave the area. 1st Class Jonathan Hill rallied his 3rd Platoon troops in a counterattack, despite his multiple shrapnel wounds. These bases were a key element of the American counterinsurgency strategy. I stood silently in the corner and watched a rendition of the story I previously told through sympathy letters to the families of the fallen, in award write-ups for my soldiers and during lectures for military leaders. Not an Ordinary Engagement But he was ineffective in actually making the men understand why/how he came to certain decisions. A new counter-insurgency strategy seemed to offer a way around these problems. . Who plays Nia on the outpost? In the process, the truck rolled over him and ended up almost fully submerged in the river. In real life, there is no record of Porter shooting a dog.According to Jake Tapper's book, two real-life incidents inspired the scene in the movie. These AAF were more professional and probably represented groups from areas outside of Nuristan. Unlike Donahue, Nicholson was a supporter of COIN in addition to seeing Kamdesh as a decisive control point. Porter had already done two tours in Iraq and even before he was deployed to COP Keating, his superior officer Lieutenant Colonel Brad Brown and the men of his company thought he was "spent". Daniel Rodriguez, who took part in the real-life Battle of Kamdesh, portrays himself in the movie. After Keating's death, a "Night Letter" appeared on the door of the Upper Kamdesh mosque on April 29, 2007. Air Force Staff Sgt. When I learned that my U.S. Army cavalry troops war story was being made into a major motion picture, I worried that a Hollywood account of the battle would be inaccurate. Area of Operations. To a man, they all felt they had an obligation to help out in those areas where they saw Portar as failing, but upon hearing their recommendations, the captain consistently told them, point blank, that he was the commander, not them. Eventually, supporting aircraft scattered the attackers; while air support provided decisive results. As seen in the movie, the road in Kamdesh collapsed underneath the truck, throwing Keating from the vehicle as it rolled over a cliff, sending both himself and the truck down toward the Landay-Sin River. However, author Jake Tapper says that this is entirely untrue. Within the first hour, the American and Latvian defenders had collapsed to a tight internal perimeter, centered on the two buildings that were not burning. Contained between the Landay River and steep mountains, Keating was attacked from multiple directions by 300 enemy fighters. Anthony Parker. He wanted to avoid risking the lives of his men while traveling on an unstable road subject to ambush with an overweight vehicle. These troops were ambushed on the Naray-Kamdesh road and shot up badly enough to prevent their arrival in Kamdesh. |. Years later, I still feel guilty for not getting there until nightfall, even if the circumstances were out of my control. Sylvanius Broward (1972-) was a US Army captain who served in the US 61st Cavalry Regiment during the Iraq War and the Afghanistan War.. History. Rather off-topic but wasn't Poe at that moment demoted by Leia beforehand? Clint Romesha, portrayed by Scott Eastwood in the film. In the end, we gaveThe Outpost movie a Historical Accuracy Score of 8.5/10. Ty M. Carter pauses during a patrol outside Combat Outpost Keating, Afghanistan, where he was deployed with the 61st Cavalry Regiment in 2009. On Oct. 3, 2009, the odds were against U.S. troops at Combat Outpost Keating in Afghanistan's Nuristan province, located just 10 miles from the Pakistan border. ' The Outpost ' is a 2020 war drama which tells the story of 53 US soldiers who battled some 400 enemy insurgents in north-eastern Afghanistan, during Operation Enduring Freedom. And appearing Holdo's subordinates were well aware of the plain. He decided that American soldiers' "battle rattle" war gear gave the impression of soulless killing machines. This letter was written in Pashto and signed "Mujahideen". For their heroism, 2 Medals of Honor, 9 Silver Stars and 21 Bronze Stars were awarded. Tim Quinton. In the year that followed the agreement, ANA and American deaths dropped from thirty to three. Camp Keating Officers Disciplined for Attack That Killed 8 U.S. [17], 27 soldiers were awarded the Purple Heart for wounds sustained in combat. Haji Yunus, a village elder of Gawardesh and contractor for an electric plant, was kidnapped and murdered. The movie details Keating's November 2006 death, which occurred when his truck fell from a clifftop road during a convoy run. To make amends with the woman and her family, Meshkin agreed to shoot a shaggy brown dog named Franklin. The rock could not be demolished without raining fragments into the town of Urmul across the Landay-Sin river. The pick up zone for Able Troop 2nd Platoon was called PZ Reds, located on the side of an 8,000-foot mountain. Here's what else we covered in this week's newsletter. It also said the commanders had become "desensitized" to reports of imminent large scale attacks because previous warnings had turned out to be on a much smaller scale. As a result of the battle, COP Keating was partially overrun and nearly destroyed. Some of the soldiers who were at the battle are interviewed by the book's author, Jake Tapper, during the closing credits. This agreement would recognize the authority of the Hundred Man Shura, and provide funds for economic development. In real life, Keating had served with the 3/71 CAV, not the 3/61 CAV (the unit he's part of in The Outpost movie). Keating landed between two rocks nearly 150 feet down the cliffside, next to the river. [30] In the report released to the public, the U.S. Army concealed the names of the four disciplined officers. An after-action report stated that within less than a few minutes of fighting, the Afghan soldiers serving at Keating, as well as the Afghan security guards, had fled their positions, allowing the enemy to quickly overrun the post. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? [15], The Allies planned to close COP Keating by August 2009, but the move was delayed because of other military operations in a nearby district. "Needed force protection improvements were not made because of the imminent closure of the outpost. A year later COP Keating would be the location for the fateful October 2009 Battle of Kamdesh for . When Captain Aaron Swain of Cherokee Co. had sounded out Afghan Border Police Commander Ahmed Shah about setting up near Kamdesh, he was told that HIG insurgents tried to blow up Shah's jeep on his last trip there and it was a bad place. [6], The films The Outpost and Red Platoon are based on the events that occurred in the Battle of Kamdesh. `` Mujahideen '' by first Lieutenant Kaine Meshkin ( not in the battle, COP.. Page was last edited on 25 January 2023, at 06:49 plant, was to! Night and some of the Outpost and Red Platoon are based on the nonfiction! Passenger 's seat when it actually happened three years earlier, in,... American support forces and widespread air forces into the specific situation to know more but from the guys the! When it went over the cliff Combat in the real-life battle of Kamdesh Keating & # x27 ; s else. 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Media, Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, View Video of Taliban fighters in the.... Aware of the soldiers who were at the aid Station at one point, the government administrator Kamdesh! Kamdesh District, lived at the intersection of the Afghan defenders held positions..., 3rd Squadron `` Destroyers '', 61st Cavalry Regiment manned COP Keating was partially overrun and nearly.! 2005 and Participated in support provided decisive results No hot food, No support... Not be quickly reached by LZ Warheit, was dismayed to discover the PRT could not captain mel porter outpost keating reached! To shoot a shaggy brown dog named Franklin in 2008 at Observation Post Fritsche was simultaneously... Real story confirms that COP Keating 3rd Squadron `` Destroyers '', 61st Cavalry Regiment manned COP Keating attacked... 8,000-Foot mountain the level of Combat in the passenger 's seat when it actually happened [ 5 4. ] 1st Lt. Benjamin Keating 's doubts to atwar @ another 10 Afghan soldiers and Taliban...

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