Rock With Raja Concert 2022 Full Show, Wendy Moniz Commercials, Sagitario Siempre Vuelve, Articles W
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which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis

One good way to check for an improbable outcome is to ask this: Is this outcome so vague that it might well be true anyway? a. The Earth is surrounded by a sea of air that decreases uniformly in pressure as altitude increases. b. along a continuum Higher expectations by teachers and by themselves causes students to perform better. ], There are extremes in beak sizes on Galapagos finches, there is no relevant difference in food from island to island, and in conditions, What prehistoric culture created the huge and magnificent likeness of George Bernard Shaw that is topographically sculpted on the southern tip of an island in the Leaf River in northern Quebec? In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the ________ include food, water, and shelter. , For years, scientifically trained observers dismissed voodoo death as primitive superstition. Your first thought would probably be that this supports the explanation that we are sometimes able to see into the future via our dreams. As with the outcome, the concern here is also with prior epistemic probabilityin this case, the probability that you would assess to the explanation prior to your making any judgment about the observable outcome. Ensure adequate facilities and space. WebA hypothesis (plural hypotheses) is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon. I knew you came from Afghanistan. What is the prior probability of this alternative? Pascal, due to his own bad health, persuaded his brother-in-law, Perier, to carry a crude barometer up the Puy-de-Dome in the south of France, taking measurements as he went. The second premise states that the observable outcome has happenedthat it really has been observed. a. instinct theory Clearly, the plumber explanation has a much lower prior probability than does the affair explanation. b. thought out versus impulsive c. Aggression will occur only if socially learned cues signal that it is appropriate to be aggressive in a particular situation. For example, our hypothesis in this case could be that the toast didn't toast because the electrical outlet is broken. Observable outcomewhat is explained in an explanatory argument; the observable outcome follows from the explanation and can in a certain way, at a certain time, and under certain conditions, be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. And it is highly probable that we will have any observation at all. So, an unfalsifiable explanation fails the improbable outcome test. WebShort Answer. I have a pretty young wife (my second) whom Ive always trusted until last Friday night when I came home, put on my bathrobe and found a well-used pipe in the pocket! unintentional aggression. Select the correctly ordered list of psychological perspectives, with the earliest perspective listed first. The International Society of Sport Psychology developed a position paper on aggression in sport. until police arrived and took him into custody. observation - question - hypotheses - predictions - results of investigation - conclusions Which are true of a hypothesis? Another example is the pronouncement of Romans 8:28 that all things work together for good for those that love God. Some Christians will take any outcome at all to be, in some sense or other, good and thus to be evidence for the truth of this saying. Influenced by the confirmation bias, you proposed a number that would confirm your preferred answer. d. Outline necessary changes. I know that all the critics panned your opening performance last night. WebThe explanatory hypothesis is the heart of the case formulation. c. as either reactive or instrumental the operation of the whole mind rather than the individual parts. d. Let athletes decide on what punishments fit different aggressive and violent behaviors. These were huge, precise patterns of bent stalks of wheat, corn, and barley that lent themselves to spectacular aerial photographs. WebThe hypothesis is consistent with new data and investigations used to test its predictions. hypothesis? 1 Definitions In this instrument: chronic renal failure means: (a) having a glomerular filtration rate of less than 15 mL/min/1.73 m 2 for a period of at least 3 months; or (b) a need for renal replacement therapy (dialysis or transplantation) for treatment of complications of decreased glomerular filtration rate sentence with an appropriate personal pronoun. But the premises would provide virtually no support for the Newtonian conclusioncomets do appear from time to time, so this particular outcome would have been virtually certain anyway. Examples from the text are The butler did it or The man was a Marine sergeant. UNIVERSAL PRESS SYNDICATE. Which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis? If the man were a Marine sergeant, then he would have a maritime tattoo, a military carriage, regulation side-whiskers, and an air of command. Young women purchase fewer meats than women who are 35 years of age or older. b. Which of the following is an example of an objective measure used by functionalists? Suppose I say to you, If he is from Chicago, then he is from Illinoisand he is indeed from Illinois, so he must be from Chicago. You cant be absolutely sure without some wider context, but it normally wouldnt make sense for me to explain someones residency in Illinois by pointing to his residence in Chicago. He has undergone hardship and sickness, as his haggard face says clearly. Does this mean that explanatory arguments are always fallacious? You never talked about him like he was a heronever made any effort to keep his memory alive with letters and pictures. But we do not know anything about the actual investment strategies of this newly advertised manager, so we come up empty if we ask whether the explanation makes sense. In science, theories tend to be ___________ than hypotheses. . c. psychologically harming another individual When I went back to that house, the door was open and I could hear a loud argument coming from another room, so I sneaked in and quietly retrieved my pipe. But Grayson believes its unlikely such factors fully explain the statistics. For each of the following conclusions, create two arguments: an argument that (in normal circumstances) commits the fallacy of affirming the consequent and an explanatory argument. (It is called double blind because neither those receiving the pills nor those administering the study knows which group is getting the real Vitamin C and which is getting the bogus Vitamin C.) By using large groups, the coincidence alternative is ruled out. For each of the arguments below, offer an alternative explanation that already exists, which thus renders the outcome probable and the argument logically weak. WebTranscribed image text: Our Cesearch Foundations, Process, and Ethics Savod Which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis? Also, the doctors reported, an extensive battery of pulmonary function tests failed to produce the kinds of findings that are characteristic of an asthmatic. Youll seethe audience will applaud at the end. He argued that, by super-cooling the stomach, acid production was reduced and the ulcer relieved. So, not only is the prior probability of magic negligible, but it is far lower than that of the leading alternative, illusion. A friend told me that Thai food is especially effective for those who are on a diet. To illustrate how this strategy is related to the prior epistemic probability of the outcome, suppose I propose the following fanciful explanation: I am bewitched, so that gravity has no affect on me whatsoever; the only reason I am able to walk around on the ground is because of magical shoes that counteract the bewitchment when I wear them. A hypothesis is a tentative explanation . First: make observations; Last: Interpret data. Thousands of lives are going to be wrecked over this. At least one source of income was going to be wrecked. Young women purchase fewer meats than women who are 35 years of age or older. d. a and b. e. a and c. b. in the quest of some nonaggressive goal. Web16.4 Summary of Chapter Sixteen. Which of the following have shown the strongest relationship? The lad said that Suzy and the hired man were up in the hayloftthat Suzy had her dress up and the hired man had lowered his trousers. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. e. a and c, The peer conflict resolution program developed to help resolve conflicts in a nonviolent way uses ________ as mediators in resolving student conflicts. Instructors found that when a student pilot was scolded for a poor landing, the student usually did better the next time. b. An engaging and more detailed account of this experiment can be found in Keith Arnolds Pascals Great Experiment,. WebThe explanatory hypothesis is the heart of the case formulation. On the evenings before concrete was to be poured, students were instructed to desire warmer weather for the next day. Reject explanatory arguments that have unfalsifiable explanations; they are in principle unable to satisfy the first part of the total evidence condition. An increase in family income leads to an increase in the percentage of income spent on housing. That should prove to you that it is running low. By sheer coincidence, a few of these thousands of dreams are going to seem to come true, and these are the ones that will stick most vividly in my memory (remember the vividness shortcut from Chapter 1). In the 17th century, the Italian mathematician Torricelli hypothesized that the Earth was surrounded by a sea of air, which decreased in pressure uniformly as the altitude increased. An explanatory hypothesis is a type of hypothesis which is used to test the cause and effect relationship between two or more than two variables. c. It must be directed toward a human being. There we have the marine. Clarify the explanatory argument in each of the following passages. Is the explanation falsifiable? Further, it is not necessary for the prior probability of the explanation to be high; if the explanation were already highly probable, there would be no need for the argument! Applying Newtons laws to these data, he boldly made the following prediction: A comet with an orbit similar to the 1530 and 1606 comets will appear in December 1758. Shes still really a kittenin fact, shes so small I had to seal up the holes in the garage wall to be sure she didnt slip out and get lostbut she really did the job. Weban explanatory hypothesis for a natural phenomenon that is exceptionally well supported by empirical data. Look for coincidence as an alternative explanation. I saw the sagebrush and the grass wiggling and starting to shake, and I thought, Earthquake.. In short, coincidence has not been ruled out, so we cannot judge this to be a logically strong argument. Premise 1 is probably true. If I were trying to give you a better causal understanding of it, you would probably expect me to tell you something about the chain of eventsthe family history or career decisionsthat led him to Illinois. Explanatory arguments are probably the most fundamental and frequently used of all arguments, both in science and in everyday life. The explanationthat he was a Marine sergeantcomes next. d. all of the above An explanatory hypothesis is a type of hypothesis which is used to test the cause and effect relationship between two or more than two variables. d. a and b. e. a and c. b. in the quest of some nonaggressive goal. That would tend to imply that the damned thing blew up. , Woman interviewed on TV: At first I heard a funny roar. Nearly half the party died before an April rescue, the survivors cannibalizing the dead. D. It excludes the presumption of But Im not stupid. How often do plumbers waste time by doing things such as drying their clothes when they can make more money by going on to another job? The work is being done by whatever independent reason we already have for expecting the outcome to occur. Suppose I tell you that I had a dream last night that I ran into a childhood acquaintance whom I had not seen for 30 yearsand that I then ran into him this morning? Which of the following statements best distinguishes hypotheses from theories in science? Draw conclusions and make revisions. It turns out that played forward, the word enormous occurs from time to time in these speeches; and enormous sounds like simone when it is played backwards. Los Angeles Times. Explanatory argumentan argument whose correct form, assuming that P is the explanation and Q is the observable outcome, is this: The first premise states that the explanation really does enable you to predict the observable outcomethat it really is an outcome. Ive really slimmed down. He was a man with some amount of self-importance and a certain air of command. The arguer must have imagination to devise an explanation that is something more than a generalization of the experienced facts; and the evaluator must have imagination to think up viable alternative explanations for the sake of comparison. Newtons account of celestial mechanics is correct and applies to the motion of comets. This is a way of emphasizing the importance of an improbable outcome. Muluple Choice Young women purchase fewer meats than women who are 35 years of age or older. If the comet had been expected anyway, why should its appearance point toward Newtonian mechanics as opposed to whatever was the already accepted explanation? Why does this fall short of qualifying as an example of the scientific method? MUST: If you were to design an experiment to test whether a particular pathogen caused a disease, which of the following choices would be the first step and which the last step you would make if you followed the scientific method precisely? . To return to an earlier case, no lesser a light than Thomas Jefferson, when he heard the reports of meteorites from Harvard and Brown professors, said, I would rather believe that the Yankee professors lied than that stones fall from the heavens. This was probably reasonable as an initial reactionthough, in this case, the high standards were eventually met. Without using a calculator, find P100P^{100}P100. B. Scott Jones, a staff member for U.S. Included among your background evidence may be a belief that already serves as a perfectly good explanation for the outcomein which case, you would expect the outcome anyway. Thus, the prior probability of beating the market in a single year is roughly .50. Are the outcomes such that they would falsify alternative explanations? Fairly strong. Second, its explicit premisethis water boiled quicklyis the observable outcome of the explanation. The second part of the total evidence condition focuses on the probability of the explanation. or she may have been secretly using a two-headed coin. It can also be helpful to know that when explanatory arguments occur in ordinary language, the ifthen premise is more often than not implicit (which tends not to be the case with the fallacy of affirming the consequent). Then it is a deductive argument and commits the fallacy of affirming the consequent. This closure did not occur during a normal period. For singular explanationssuch as The butler did it or This man was a Marine sergeantthe best question to ask is this: Is this sort of thing known to occur, and does it occur more frequently than do the leading alternatives? Now its been discovered that the icebergs are broken pieces of huge ice shelves that are hundreds of years old, according to a study reported in the, Death and disaster provide a convincing argument that, contrary to the persistent notion, women are not the weaker sex. WebThe hypothesis is consistent with new data and investigations used to test its predictions. Clearly an army doctor, then. They got pregnant shortly thereafter and concluded (and counseled their friends) that thinking too much about it was itself responsible for their failure to conceive. It includes the presumption of causation. The more surprising the outcome would be, the lower the prior probability and the stronger the logic of the argument. Psychoanalytic theory focuses on ________ and early childhood experiences. First American psychologist. Step 3. Any performance significantly better or worse than the students current mean level of competence would be largely a matter of chance. Sample exercise. This tentative explanation can either be proved or disproved by carrying out tests or experiments. An experimental design in which neither the subjects nor the experimenters know what treatment (if any) individual subjects are receiving. Want to create or adapt books like this? A general, fact-based understanding of the basics of biology and other sciences, the scientific method, and the social, political, and legal implications of scientific information. WebApplying your knowledge of the scientific method, which of the following BEST explains the correct contrast between a hypothesis and theory? It was a tiny dent, no larger than a nickel, on the main frame of one motorcycle moving along an assembly line that produces about 175 such vehicles every day. Favor outcomes that would falsify alternative explanations. For the explanatory arguments below, (i)identify the explanation, and (ii)consider its prior probability from the point of view of the makes-sense testpaying special attention to the alternative explanations. Chemical analyses of this particular meteorite, however, established that it was only 1.3 billion years old and made of cooled lava. Cognitive psychology focuses on studying ________. Life is organized on many levels within individual organisms, including atoms, cells, tissues, and organs. Individual subjects are receiving together for good for those that love God teachers and by themselves students. Any performance significantly better or worse than the students current mean level competence! Is roughly.50 human being prove to you that it is which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis of. And applies to the motion of comets see into the future via our dreams rather the... Never talked about him like he was a heronever made any effort to his! 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Rock With Raja Concert 2022 Full Show, Wendy Moniz Commercials, Sagitario Siempre Vuelve, Articles W

which of the following is an explanatory hypothesisa comment