"You would never expect a horse to race on the promise that it will be fed only after it wins the race"
- Ty Burnes
We believe that every client comes to us with one objective in mind – winning. This is often phrased or couched in different terms, such as “righting a wrong” or “getting what is rightfully mine,” but the goal is certainly not to lose. Vince Lombardi once said “winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is”. We approach every client’s case with a distinct motivation to win.
We offer a variety of legal services to our clients including consultation, strategic planning and representation.
To our clients requiring defense representation, we offer a straightforward hourly fee arrangement with rates that are competitive in the industry. Our clients appreciate our sparing billing style and acknowledge that we “bill” for a small fraction of the actual time we spend on their case. To our plaintiff clients (those looking to file an action against another party), we offer a hybrid contingency that is specifically designed designed to provide cost-effective representation that, on the one hand, amply motivates the team at the outset of the case to aggressively initiate the matter, and on the other, ensures that the client has a stake in the case that will motivate it to be diligent in its responsibilities as “plaintiff.”
We have found that this is the optimal arrangement between plaintiff-clients and our team. Experience – as well as research on this matter – has shown that purely contingent relationships lack ample motivation, and clients who are unwilling to kickstart a case with a small fee either do not believe in their case, or are knowingly or negligently hiding facts related to the underlying case that make the case either weak or unwinnable. The purely contingent attorney only finds these facts out through discovery after wasting hundreds of hours on a bad case. On the other hand, hybrid arrangements encourage good, strong and sound cases backed by clients who are genuine and meritorious. In other words, our arrangement helps us weed out the “bad” cases. Clients who seek 100% contingent cases ask their attorneys to close their eyes and through a dart with the hopes that it land somewhere on the dartboard, whereas hybrid contingency clients have clear vision and assist their attorneys in throwing a well-guided missile at a clear target.
Most of the cases we litigate are done under a statute that requires the other side to pay your attorney’s fees. If your opponent is paying, you might as well have them pay for you to have the very best attorneys!!