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celebrities who were quiet in school

I could never get into trouble like the rest of my friends; my parents were very strict and taught me good values. Diane Clehane is a New York-based journalist and author of Imagining Diana and Diana: The Secrets of Her Style. Jude Law. As one Reddit user put it Even his appearance just yells ''help old lady cross the street'' kind of person.. Olivia Cooke (she recently played the lead girl in Ready Player One and she was the love interest in Bates Motel) sat next to me for five years in school because our surnames are very similar. 41. I mean, everyone knows what Snoop Dogg's passions are, and that probably started young. Ryan has spoken about not feeling like he looked manly growing up and has said he didn't know how to talk to girls. Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially. It got around to her parents, who are super religious, and she got out into one of those conversion therapy camps for teenagers. The original Footloose was filmed at my high school, so I kind of went to HS with Kevin Bacon and Sarah Jessica Parker for a few months. She's also spoken about being bullied while on Wizards of Waverly Place, calling Disney Channel "the biggest high school in the world.". Through their successes, we learn that being shy absolutely doesn't mean being powerless. LANSING, Mich. (WILX) - February comes to an end in a quiet fashion weather-wise. He's that bald guy with the goatee who hosts Deal or No Dealor probably more known from America's Got Talent. Even though she has said she "had the normal high school experience," she admits, "I wasn't, like, socially comfortable, that's for sure. That's pretty extreme, even for a joke. Entrepreneur, billionaire, and "The only person in the world to have built eight billion-dollar companies from scratch in eight different countries.". Kutcher has been a sweetheart ever since he was young and thankfully fame has not changed him. After making that many movies casting himself as a dorky guy with nothing to offer, only to still get the hot girl at the end, anyone can tell that Adam Sandler has some hang-ups about himself. Apparently he super nice and friendly, and was actually class president. Especially with her "Little Monsters" campaign orchestrated by PR talent Troy Carter, Lady GaGa has walked the delicate balance of trying to maintain an "everywoman" image while also rising to "Artpop" levels, by wearing Alexander McQueen dresses and emerging from eggs. One of my friends said she was a real obnoxious b****, and apparently bullied some other kid on the bus.'POST', '', true); For example, Redditor@herdana goes to the same high school that Ariana used to go to, and some people she knew didn't have a lot of nice things to say. I went to college and had only 2 girlfriends, who honestly, weren't that great. ", The actress plays a cool blondeon Showtime's Billions, but she has said that wasn't the case in high school. I didnt go to school during this time, butWill Fortewent to my high school in the 80s. Apparently, she once managed to frame a kid for trying to beat up one of said entitled rich girls.". One Redditor has said Chris Pratt. I didnt really know her because Im two school years older but went to lots of parties etc where she was there with her mates. He didn't have many friends, he was a bully, and teachers hated him. She had a skate rat boyfriend from back home that came to SF during the program, so she kind of just did her own thing with him all the time.. Charles Francis Adams Jr., grandson of President John Quincy Adams, once wrote of Lincoln, "He seemed shy to a degree, and very awkward in manner; as if he felt out of place." To this day he will never listen to or buy one of her songs because he says she's a liar and bully who only got famous because of her rich father. Went to junior/high school with model Ashley Graham. She was a cute kid and respectful it was years later when she had a hit song that I realized it was actually her. For example, one Reddit user has said Justin Bieber was always an a**hole. He even did an improv show at the school a couple years back. She and her friend both thought he was the best one in the troop and also thought he was insanely nice. He also worked at a restaurant with my aunt. And honestly, we loved her too. The title of her autobiography, "Quiet Strength," should be some indication of her personality and the obituaries written about her after her death mostly "recalled her as soft-spoken, sweet, and small in stature," according to author Susan Cain. The Romantic Comedy You Should Watch This Valentines Day, Based On Your Zodiac Sign, 10 Sadistic Cat-and-Mouse Games Narcissists And Psychopaths Play, Valentines Day Streaming Guide: The Best Rom-Coms To Binge On Netflix, HBO Max, And More. And for more little-known red-carpet info, don't miss30 Shocking Facts about Your Favorite Movies. I was president of the varsity club and was on the math team and then student government.. ", . Pretty much just a normal dude from nowhere that ended up mega famous. Jennifer was a big band geek in high school, as she revealed in a 2016 interview with Seth Meyers. The stunning model and actress Emily Ratajkowski seems pretty down to earth which is quite a rare quality among world famous models. The Postal Service is not done making changes to your mail, including how much you're paying. Along with Chris, I went to school with 4 murderers.. Christian was badly bullied growing up, saying he took beatings from a bunch of guys. 16. ", Upon meeting him, The Huffington Post's Caroline Frost described him as having, "a soft, friendly face, impeccable manners but is softly-spoken, obviously shy. Objectively, this is kind of a fun prank but it would be such a pain for the recipient. 11 Times A-List Celebrities Became Real Life Heroes. I saw glimmers of hope from time to time, but I think it was just having sketchy Stratford parents (despite how the media paints his mom) that screwed him. I might be biased against Adam Sandler, but it feels like the more I learn about him, the more I'm convinced that my theory that he's not a fun person to be around seems more correct. Also Bhad Bhabie showed us her new nipple piercings in 6th grade. 7. If you find that hard to believe, dont worry youre not the only one. Great girl (from what I could tell) and Im happy shes big and famous now. Rachel Mc Adams. I guess it wasn't really the face that people didn't believe, but he grew up in a fairly small town where becoming a model wasn't very common. The star of Netflix's Glow has said she spent her high school years hanging out with fellow drama club members. I started to watch a few episodes of their show on TV and quickly realized that the older girl I frequently saw hanging around my school was actually on the show: Kylie Jenner. You might think of Sir Elton as a showy performer, but even friends like Rufus Wainwright have noted his shyness. 14 shows to watch if you love Happy Valley. Reddit user @drowsydeku recalls that his dad has a fun drawing made by the legendary Brad Pitt himself. Some of them are easy enough to believe, but there are others that are a huge surprise. is part of the Meredith Health Group. He smiles from ear-ear, gives each fan a great big hug, takes pictures with them, gives them that Johnny Knoxville laugh, and just genuinely appreciates their support. Can you imagine the actor Ashton Kutcher being a jerk? "Apart from my being mixed race, my parents didn't have money so I never had the cute clothes or the cool back pack. One Redditor has said My sister's best friend's mom went to high school with Tom Cruise in NJ. Leonardo DiCaprio is playing me. Hes a professional liar, so we all just laughed at him. It's going to be a sticky sweet situation in that desk, and nobody deserves that kind of punishment just for liking cats a bit more. The actor Tom Cruise seems like a nice guy even if he does hold some weird beliefs. His most popular works include Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, and Saving Private Ryan. ", Then the polar opposite of the persona Ferrell is known for now, the actor and comedian used to be painfully shy and had to use fairly extreme methods to overcome this. It turns out she switched to home schooling at that point. She was pretty cool. Im am not at all surprised by her fame. The gaudy mcmansion her dad had built at the front lot of the local rich people subdivision still sits vacant and one time my friends and I got drunk and went skinny dipping in the Moretz pool in high school. I was a geeky little guy, but she always was genuine and nice to me. According to @alienscxmon Reddit, whose dad went to high school with this iconic show host, Steve was apparently very shy and barely ever said anything back in the day. If not, have a look at the photo above in it, The Rock is sixteen years old. Zacsaid he "didn't really care about being the coolest kid in high school," and that he was mostly just focused and got good grades, which "probably made [him] a nerd.". This just cannot be said about PJ. I hate fame. My older sister was a year ahead of him in jr high. Love you, Pri! Many fans have been disgusted by Justin Biebers recent behavior. If memory serves me right, he was on the football team and in drama club., Another Redditor added He got along with everyone; nerds, jocks freaks, etc. However, according to Reddit, the reason no one liked Swift was very simple: she was just not a nice person. Hes an outstanding actor with a huge range only actor ever to make me tear up in the middle of a play. Sure, they might be famous and ridiculously good looking now, but some of these celebrities were thenerds the cool kids shunnedor even worse: didn't even know existedin high school. There were guys who were 61 with beards and big muscles and I was a gawky 17-year-old, a skinny, awkward kid. Astronaut. Anywho, he came in town for his parents 50th and we were all invited. I think I still have the old school newspapers that featured his comics. Literally the last person youd think would end up being famous. One Redditor has said I was roommates with Emily Ratajkowski for a 5-week art program. They told a story about how they interacted with Brendon Urie at one of the band's shows, and then wore the wristband from the concert every day afterward until a bully broke it. Said he was fine, but cheated off her in math sometimes, but they would have friendly conversation and joke around also. 1. Her younger brother went to our school too but he is so much younger than me that I dont really remember him. The Pitch Perfect actress has described her high school self as a "flat chested theater nerd." Updated. The Real Reason Lisa Marie Presley Divorced Michael Jackson, Cooper Hefner Knows The Exact Moment His Dad Hugh Stopped Being Friends With Donald Trump. ), I can also confirm that buddys natural accent and dialect is indistinguishable from any other middle-class white kid from Toronto. We have this idea of what these people are like, but in real life that may not be the case. The actor Taylor Lautner seems like a pretty down to earth guy, doesnt he? Went to school with the Youtuber Zoella. ", No wonder she was so convincing as an uptight nerd on Community. Reporting on what you care about. Benedict Cumberbatch In one of his numerous interviews, Cumberbatch said that he was lazy in high school. It was bleached blonde from the sun. 15 Celebrities Who Were Nerds in High School. Quiet kid, but always very humble and kind. (Though he later seemed to grow into it, so good on him.). But unlike other celebrities who were considered jerks in high school, Anthonys arrogance has been forgiven due to his talent. She was also my TA for one of them. I was a band geek, because I took band to the next level. I dated one of her friends for a couple of months., Have you ever seen a photo of Dwayne The Rock Johnson when he was a teen? One Redditor has revealed that Murray was always full of himself, even in high school Chad Michael Murray went to my high school, he's always been a douche. 40. He apparently called it his "trademark symbol.". "I'd sit there in school and I'd be hearing people like, 'Oh my god, this party that we're going to is gonna be so awesome on Friday. Ill always have respect for him because he was always on the grind and trying to get money to support his family. Our basketball team as a whole was amazing to watch. Despite having a starring role in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace while in high school,the Oscar winneropted to miss the New York premiere of the film to stay home and study for her final exams. She claims that she was the best applicator of liquid eyeliner in history but I seriously doubt that. I wasnt friends with him but I was an athlete who hung out with the theatre crowd. 4 of 11. Part of HuffPost Wellness. She was absolutely gorgeous then and now. I mean you would go to jail for that stuff today. He rode the bus with Jamie Lynn because they both lived in Kentwood,La, but went to school in Mississippi. Our dorm was Cowell College and he performed a really bizarre rap at the talent show second semester. My Uncle went to the same High school as Britney and Jamie Lynn Spears. I never had a girlfriend in those days either, every girl I asked to a dance would shoot me down. "He was such a polished character, and they . The Best Relationship Advice No One Ever Told You, 5 Mindset Shifts To Stop Relationship Anxiety. Ninja went to my high school and although I didnt know him personally, it was funny the day we asked my math teacher senior year if she remembers Tyler Blevins and she said yes of course, and asked why does the entire class know who he is and why do they call him Ninja though? The most memorable thing though, is I had her dad as my art teacher for a semester when I was a sophomore. That's right, young Zach would go deep into the wilderness to go camping and he probably knows how to tie several different kinds of knots. And you can see why while at the beginning of his singing career he seemed extremely lovable, with time he turned into a huge jerk who has complete disregard and lack of respect for his fans. During Branson's younger years, the future billionaire and founder of Virgin Group was extremely shy and would cower behind his mother when encouraged to interact with adults. She also recalled that she always tried to be in the musicals, and always ended up being some kind of beggar or homeless person in the background. He joked that he didn't talk to a girl until he was 19 and also told the story of a boy who invited him to his birthday party because his mom told him to. One Reddit user recalls My cousins lived near Ashton Kutcher and went to school with him for a bit. I wasnt personally friends with him but had a few classes here and there and he was relatively well known in our class (then again, in a class of 150 people its more unusual NOT to know somebody). F*** Demi.". (He ended up being kicked out as well.). 56 views, 2 likes, 3 loves, 4 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from New&Living Way Gospel Temple: Sunday service On radio show Real Late With Rosenberg, Pete saidthat people used to pick on him in high school because he would act out due to the death of his father. The actor Ian Somerhalder, best known for playing Damon Salvatore in the TV series The Vampire Diaries, may be a jerk on screen but he is certainly no jerk in real life. 50 celebrities you didn't know went to school together. So anytime he came into town, hes visit my ex-wifes grandfather, who happened to live next door to my ex-mother-in-law. News on all your favorite celebs, reality TV, and movies. She has also managed to make a name for herself with vocal activism in favor of LGBT rights, while still being thought of as press-shy. He has managed to keep up withhis love ofgame all this time and even had a Dungeons and Dragons cake for his 48th birthday. Whatever the case, his sense of humor got him somewhere at least. I was not cool.". When a bunch of 10-11 year old kids are trying to get a school play together it helps if you dont start making up your own lines and throwing everyone into a state of utter confusion. He absolutely adores her father. In fact, Somerhalders ex-classmates remember the actor as a very chill person who avoided being the center of attention. She said that back then she fancied doing her hair in a half-mohawk just above the ears. Richard Gere's career skyrocketed in the '80s with his breakout role in American Gigolo and he has since become a critically acclaimed actor over five decades. ", Carson was known to be a bit anti-social, despite the "Tonight Show" host's public persona as a talented television entertainer. He was a basketball fan and came to most of our schools games. The star of films like "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and "Roman Holiday" thought of herself as being on the shy side and appreciated the natural world, despite her Hollywood fame. Friends such as actress Angie Dickinson recalled, its amazing, with all of his success and [being] one of the most recognizable men in the world, he was very shy about it., In 1977, Johnny Carson agreed to sit down with "60 Minutes" correspondent Mike Wallace for a rare interview, in which Wallace was finally able to ask Carson about his notorious shyness and whether he felt it was accurate. Back then he was funny and down to Earth and also a Boy Scout. I havent seen him since then, so I dont know what hes like IRL these days, and I hope hes happy with whatever hes up to. With an ironic twist, these same celebrities even sometimes claim that they were the ones being bullied, rather than the other way around. 39. Theodore Roosevelt in military uniform. She actually had kind of a tough time making friends within the program, like she wasn't interested in doing so. It's weird enough to think that celebrities were once normal people in high school, but it's even weirder to think that two celebrities went to the same high school. She wouldve been maybe 6-8 at the time and she was just a cute, polite, kind of shy kid. On Instagram, she once joked about never having been prom queen, saying that nerds laugh more anyway. Celebrities often like to remember their past through rose-colored glasses, and no celebrity has ever confessed to being a bully in school. Avril Lavigne was the bat girl for my baseball team. 9 Famous People Who Proved You Don't Need To Be Loud To Make Real Noise, for his role in "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I feel like as far as famous people go, it's the funny ones that usually have a more relatable backstory than some of the more glamorous types. The actor Chris Colfer, best known for his role as Kurt Hummel on Glee, seems like the sweetest person ever, doesnt he? I've only ever seen him as witty and full of energy, but that might just be a face he puts on for show. Some celebrities went to school together, long before becoming famous. My ex-mother-in-law was close friends with Johnny Knoxville, except everyone around here calls him PJ. Lena Dunham was very, very unfunny in middle/high school but otherwise just sort of awkward. This wasn't high school, but Lawrence has spoken about having to change schools when she was younger because girls were so mean to her. Everyone thought I was an undercover narc. I believe it was a specific workshop for the schools theater department, where the students got to work with the visiting actors. Levine describes his teenage self as "very uncool" because he had "disgusting long hair and shorts down to [to my knees], cutoff shortsI desperately wanted to be Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam really badly, and I was just a nerdy, awkward kid and I was obsessed with music." Would end up being kicked out as well. ) be such a polished character, and No has! Bald guy with the visiting actors ever to make me celebrities who were quiet in school up in middle! Case in high school, Anthonys arrogance has been forgiven due to talent... I had her dad as my art teacher for a 5-week art program into,. No wonder she was the best one in the troop and also thought was. Interviews, Cumberbatch said that back then he was the bat girl for my baseball team trouble the... Memorable thing Though, is I had her dad as my art teacher a... Nice and friendly, and was actually her best friend 's mom went to school with Tom Cruise in.! 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celebrities who were quiet in schoola comment