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lost sawyer fanfiction

Among other things. I suppose not, I say quietly. Hang on a tick. Its not as bad as it looks, I hear Micheal say as I jog up. I think you and me were born with a lot of it then, Amelia muses, not looking up from her book. Youve been waiting for this, havent you? So he got angry and he killed my mother and then he killed himself, too.. He starts bleeding and rushes at Sawyer again, but Sawyer catches him and punches his face. I want to help! At first appearing as a nice man, giving Gwen gifts such as laptops, this turns out to be nothing more than a horrible lie. Later on, Sawyer and Trent get into a fight, during which he holds a gun to Gwens head and threatens to "spill her brains". Title: Embers Author: modernxxmyth Rating: R Fandom: Lost Pairing: Sawyer/Kate Status: WIP Spoilers: Through the series finale Summary: def - the smoldering or glowing remains of a fire. But one of these days Im going to find you and Im going to give you this letter so youll remember what you done to me. I dont, Im a student nurse, I thought I would help. I put my hands in my hips defensively. Ill wait for you there, Amelia shot back, anger and malice lacing her voice to hide the shattering of her heart. I wait patiently throughout the day, mostly sitting on the shore and waiting for the torrential rains to signal where the trio are in their journey. Baby Steps by Wreckless Righter reviews Part IV. Walkabout couldnt come any sooner. Do me a favor, Sawyer spat, shooting daggers at Amelia, when you leave today, go straight to Hell.. Its weird, though, sitting silently next to Sawyer as he sleeps and I read. My arms are crossed over my chest and I huff in the direction of Jack and Sawyer. When a maid tries to stop Sawyer from beating Gwen, he shoots and kills her, and tells Gwen to go to her room or else hell shoot her too. When I dont see him, I resolve to staring out at the ocean. Well Ill be damned, didnt know you knew im.. Sawyer stood there in shock for a moment. I press my face into my knees and dont look up at anyone anymore. M-rated. Suddenly the world fell apart. Jack, I- I stop myself, I dont have an explanation. A/N: This episode features more of Amelia and her thoughts than show dialogue so I hope you enjoy! We walk through the jungle together for a while before Sawyer even speaks up. Out of my peripheral I see Jack sit by Rose, far down the beach where Im sitting. Even at night the Islands air is still fairly humid, which makes a bit of sense considering its September. .We kind ofate it all. Right, no more food. After Sawyer and I made it back from the caves. Why am I still alive? Title . While its not a lie its not the complete truth. I watch curiously as he stomps over, grabs me by the arm, and pulls me towards his tent. Dad dad! Lucky for you I aint greedy.. I shudder at the thought. Which one? But its hard to explain, I cant, I cant fully explain it, I dont know how you want me to, I sputter out. I havent lived in LA all my life and the rain is a welcome change to the climate Im used to. Little Miss Lost: Thank you so much! The ones that came into the camp last night were piglets, 100, 150 pounds each. After all thats happened to me?, Sawyer regarded her carefully, helping her pull out a water bottle from her pack. Im going to kill him, I can hear Jack say as I run up to the both of them. I collapse into the tree and begin to sob. Out loud.. Kate, Sawyer says menacingly. You alright there blue-eyes? The man to my left says to me in a gruff voice, James Sawyer Ford. You were just a kid, 8 maybe 9 years old.. How many times do I have to tell you? God I hate the early season!! As I work I occasionally glance at Sawyer, Ive resigned myself to refraining from calling him by his real name to make sure I can keep my cover as long as possible. You dont know nothin about me, Sawyer replies with a huff. Sawyer stood there in shock for a moment. You dont know where Im headed, Sawyer says coolly and I shake my head. Its a Tuesday, I know how to restrain myself, Amelia replied just as playfully, enjoying the light-ish banter after all the shit. There's a reason that Disney hasn't tried to milk LOST for more cash: the ending killed all interest in continuing the franchise. He sits next to me and I allow myself to drop my legs. I dont pay attention to the yells of the other passengers to get under something though, since Im perfectly content to sit. I fucked up royally, and Sawyer was right. I look up at the ocean, my tears blurring my vision. Everyone returns to their spots and I can see them glancing at me. Maybe I provoked him too much. Really? He says and I turn to look at him. Yet she didnt forget his words. You didnt have to react like that, I reply calmly. Sawyer and Kate off the island. I cant stand it. I wake up with a loud gasp, scrambling to get under my shirt and touch my back. lost lostfanfiction loststory losttvshow mystery planecrash romance sawyer sayid southpacific thriller abcfamilyabclostaustraliabeachdesmonddramajackshepardjohnlockekateaustenlostlostfanfictionloststorylosttvshowmysteryplanecrashromancesawyersayidsouthpacificthriller Table of contentsLast updated Mar 25, 2017 Surviors of the plane crash The Others In the original series, I explain, Youre the one who gets stabbed. He goes as far as to cut Gwen, giving her cuts and scars that will forever remain with her and causing her to bleed. Go.. Jack rushes over to us as Sawyer tries to get me up. Kate looks hard at Sawyer, but her expression softens when she sees me. I know hes going to the caves, and hes going to get punched. How many times do I have to tell you? Ah, I know when we are. He smirks at me, Well hello blue-eyes, thought you were dead.. I glance at her, but dont pay much attention, she is always smelling weird things around the house. He was a confidence man. Ah, good question. You killed my parents, Mr. Sawyer, I finish reading and I look at my feet. I got the quickest flight I could to LA and didnt bother to check the flight number, nor see who else was boarding. I cry out again when Sawyers fists connects with Boones nose. Hes never going to kiss me. At least I know he has a soft spot for me. 29 chapters, 67,638 words, Complete, Action/adventure. Ive seen it. I think you and me were born with a lot of it then, Amelia muses, not looking up from her book. Dont you feel sorry for me, Sawyer grabs the letter from her, Get the hell out. I scream high and clear as color burns in my vision at the pain. Living room! I hear a weird sound and see Sawyer opening and closing his lips like hes going to say something. Thats the deal, Sawyer says finally. I look up and its Jack. Blue-eyes! Sawyer shouts at me, Get under some cover dammit!. There aren't a lot of LOST fanfiction sequels out there, but here are some. He releases me and I walk away from the memorial. I follow not far behind Sawyer. Thanks, jaty. Thats when I realize I dont know Sawyers age, and I also realize I dont want to find out. I intercept Sayid and try to fight him off away from Sawyer. Hurley's new role will bring new challenges and big decisions. Just give it back when youre done, He says and I snap my head up. Wouldnt want to hurt his reputation and all. I cry out into the sand and hold my face in my hands. Kate and Sawyer must deal with the new pregnancy obstacles. My dad seems to be intrigued as well and I turn to him excitedly. Keep Gwen in his clutches forever.Kill Trent (all failed), Abuse (including domestic, physical and psychological)AssaultKidnappingMutilationDrug traffickingHostage-takingTorture (implied). He then pulls out a cigarette and begins smoking it. Blue eyes, you alright? He says worriedly, and I can feel a tear roll down my cheek. Better than the three of you wandering into the magic forest to bag a hunk of ham with nothing but a little bitty hunting knife? Without spoiling, one of the sequels I linked to above (After, by KhamanV) is pretty much hardcore sci-fi, and if you like that notion, you might consider checking it out. So I found a pretty lady with a dumb husband who had some money. Betcha knew I would do that, Sawyer grumbles. I dont- I dont b-buy it, I stumble as I speak. Chapter 5: All alone. A subreddit for the fans and critics of the ABC television show Lost. Characters: Hugo, Ben, Kate, Sawyer, Claire, Rose, Bernard, Desmond, Penny . Other characters: James "Sawyer" Ford/Juliet Burke, OC, and a lot of other characters from LOST. For instance, Lost: The Auction, that was held after the show ended got around 1 million dollars from bidders. Bursting out of the jungle, I look to my right and see the wreckage on the beach and a man in a suit running around trying to help people. Youre afraid of your dreams? Sawyer asks, a small ocean breeze fluttering open the tent flaps of Amelias tent. Sawyer I didnt know she would find it, I say weakly, bracing myself for an explosion from Sawyer. Sawyer turns around. So I wrote that letter. Sayid stabs me instead. I crawl out of my tent and blink in the bright light of the sun. I sit on the beach as I watch the sun go down across the ocean. I quickly get fed up, at this point not really caring. The plane drops and drops, the turbulence being the worst thing Ive ever experienced in my life. I dont have it, never did, Sawyer replies. I walk away from where we were all standing, and amble my way towards where Sawyer is chopping wood near the end of the beach. The romance-oriented sequels tend to lean more towards fantasy. What is it? Kate asks, breaking the silence. I lean up against the tree hes under and wait a beat. I should have died, but I didnt.. After the Smokey incident, most people have let their fires die and gone into their makeshift tents. I nod back. Sawyer folds his letter fast and I stand up. He glances at me and smirks before picking up a book and reading it. She seems to get the message, at least I hope she does. Yet, of course, no one knew I was in Australia with my late boyfriend. This girl might be the death of him. I wait until Sawyer trails off into the jungle before I go hunting for a book. All I know is your name. Fine, get your pack and some water bottles and lets go.. Yeah well, theres something I gotta tell you later. I try to keep my voice as steady as possible, and am genuinely surprised when I see a look of confusion mixed with something else I cant quite place on Sawyers face. Ugh it seems like rotten eggs! My mom exclaims. Sawyer follows with a big flashlight. Amelia smiled a little, Youre a manipulator.. Dont stop now. T-rated. Suddenly feeling very overwhelmed I try to remember Im on the Island and not reliving the worst day of my life. I run up to him. I come from 2010, and the show has just finished its 6th and final season. Honey Im sure its nothing, we had eggs the other day, My dad says as he soothingly pats my moms arm. Sawyer breathes heavily and stares daggers at the cave people. What do you know about it? Amelia shouted and it echoed around the jungle. We walk over to where the water is and Sawyer bends down to get some. At first appearing as a nice man, giving Gwen gifts such as laptops, this turns out to be nothing more than a horrible lie. I felt they tied it a little too loose, and I try to maneuver my fingers to get myself untied. Well, if youve got a better idea, Jack answers. I shut my eyes as Sayid starts with the bamboo under the fingernails. Long time no see, Sawyer says casually and I walk over slowly. So you can play games all you want, but I know theres a human being in there somewhere. No wonder we kicked your ass in the Gulf Sawyer begins to say, until Sayid shoves the bamboo into Sawyers fingernails and he screams. I run up beside them, and Kate soon joins us. Thats it? Oh fuck. Once Amelia was finally able to open the bottle and take a drink did he speak, Maybe youre just meant to live, to do something else no one else can do.. Suddenly Sayid is running towards us, and back to Sawyer. Oh god, were goin to die, arent we? Sawyer groaned playfully, knowing whatever Amelia had planned was going to play into the future. I am not beautifully broken, Amelia gasps between sobs, I was ripped to shreds from the inside out.. He is the extremely abusive father of Gwen who abandoned her when she was three years old. You wrote this letter. "Just give it back when you're done," He says and I snap my head up. Okay, Sawyer repeats. I know whats inside and try to be as cautious as I can without alerting the other two I know something. Stay with her! I hear Jack yell to Hurley, talking about Claire. Hell, its only first base. We do not have bamboo in Iraq, although we do have something similar reeds. Yes, this is really happening. He winces when Amelia lifts up her shirt, his hand trembling as he reaches out. You absolutely do not, Sawyer shoots back and pulls Amelia into a tight side hug, sighing to himself. I can hear Jack and Kate call out for me, one more kind than the other, but I dont turn back. In progress. Great, thanks, I reply, feeling annoyed. I realize this leaves me with not a lot to do, except watch. But youre right here blue eyes, whats a man to do? Sawyer croons and I take a step back as he steps forward. I let out a cry in pain as well just hearing him. I dont want to know, at least not right now. Sayid splashes water on his face to bring him to. Cool, see you later Kate, I say and Kate walks away from me. Dont you like her better? I ask as confidently as I can as I cross my arms over my chest. Hon go take out the trash, its horrible! My mom says to me. I know it means something to you. Unrated. Suddenly he gets up to leave, but I grab his arm. I dont get it, Amelia pants, lowering herself onto the nearest log she can find. We finally climb inside the plane, looking around dumbly to try and see whats inside. This girl might be the death of him. Part of me wants to find Jacob and ask him why he brought me here. Jin helps Sun run. He was going through my stuff, Sawyer gruffs, not looking at me as he puts his things back in order. sawyer hartman joey graceffa heathers veronica love jd danvers youtube dawson shane mcnamara chandler duke heather sanvers lost jamesford veronicasawyer 719 Stories Sort by: Hot Yeah. Just leave, He says to her calmly, before disappearing into the jungle. Sayid you can be serious! I loud-whisper to him, pressing a hand to his chest to stop him. 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that's what the app is perfect for. For better or for worse, Amelia says proudly to Jack. Hell, I wondered when you were going to stop asking nice, Sawyer drawls as he makes to stand. Im not meant to be here, I know it and the Island knows it. If I've missed some, please feel free to add a link (please include a rating.) I close my eyes as Kate leans in and I know they kiss. I can watch Sawyer give Claire a stack of wallets. I sigh to myself as I walk up behind him. Sawyer is the first to get up and come over, and Kate follows after him. Follow . He looks as if hes about to speak when I hold up my hand to stop him. I can watch Sun and Walt talk about plants. Amelia scoffed at first, but then realized he might just have a point. His hand leaves my back and I inhale sharply, Put your shirt on blue eyes, He says to me. Gen fanfics are comprised of stories that do not center around romantic relationships at all. Havin to wake up in the middle of the night for some boar. Im dumbfounded and Sawyer continues, Yeah I said it, and I bet you wanted to keep that a secret! I can feel the eyes of almost everyone in the group turn to me. Perhaps a more indirect method will loosen your tongue? Sayid asks and I know whats coming. Kate gets up and walk away without another glance at me. What do you want? I ask, and Sawyer turns his head to look at me. I dont sleep, Amelia whispers, My mind has the scary capability of being dark and demented.. Published . Help me with these will you, she replied, ignoring what he said. Sawyer turns to me again to speak, Are you sure youre alright- He is cut off by a massive amount of turbulence. What do you want for the inhalers? I sigh, because I know the answer. Reviews . I should have just waited until we were alone. Do me a favor, Sawyer spat, shooting daggers at Amelia, when you leave today, go straight to Hell.. Lost: Juliet Lives Chapter 1, a lost fanfic | FanFiction Chapter One If you believe tales of old than you believe that there is only one other person out there in the world for you who can make you feel certain things. I swallow and nod, but he shakes his head in response. Which one? What? Shannon cuts in. If you do this! Kate begins, but her next statement is cut off. ! Mom calls me from downstairs. I dont have it, Sawyer says, and then turns his head to me, Blue eyes here probably knew that too.. I yelp in surprise, they didnt show this in the show. Yes, she says quietly, her hair lifted off her face by the breeze. Who is this guy? Hurley says, saying out loud what we were all thinking. I know who you are! An expanded epilogue to Lost. Shut up, Jack says to Sawyer, And stop moving, he says to me. I try to place myself in the crash timeline when I hear a loud creaking sound and lots more yelling. Meanwhile the group returns to the present from 1977 and Juliet deals with the aftermath of Sawyer leaving her behind. If they had gone with a hard sci-fi explanation, the show would be spinning off sequels like "Star Trek.". Nobodys that disgusting. I run with him and Claire as far as we can before the plane wing falls and explodes behind us, pushing us all to the ground. Became Sawyer. I try to jerk away, but Sayid just tightens his hold. Amelia? Jack asks but Sawyer shakes his head and realization washes over Jack, Kate?. With tears in her eyes, Amelia says, You give out pieces of yourself to people but never let them see the whole picture. Now, all I want is the asthma medicine. This will be mostly Sawyer x OC in the endgame but other ships may arise. Right behind you, Jackass, Sawyer says next to me. I start to make my way towards where I know Sawyers clothes to be. Time traveler be damned. Appearance on this list doesn't imply endorsement. We can find food, Sayid adds, There are plenty of things on this Island we can use for sustenance., Sawyer sits down on a nearby airplane seat and adds And exactly how are we going to find this sustenance.. Sawyer replies, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. They had both been reading a book silently when Sawyer decided to speak up. But the closer he gets to finding his way back, new truths come to light that challenge everything he knows and throw his future into question. My name is Amelia Kassman, and I am not exactly supposed to be on this flight. I dont remember why hes so petulant in this episode. Amelia! I feel myself stumble back, W-What? I choke out, I wasnt expecting that answer. Yes, she says quietly, her hair lifted off her face by the breeze. c oneshotcollection abclost +8 more # 4 Hate or love? I make another sound of protest as she walks away toward Jack and Sayid. Its a Tuesday, I know how to restrain myself, Amelia replied just as playfully, enjoying the light-ish banter after all the shit. The jungle was sweltering hot for sunset, and her clothes were sticking to the cuts and gashes on her skin. Length: 50 chapters, 197327 words, Complete, Genre: Romance, Fantasy. Not your fault, Sawyer replies simply, still looking away from me. He then pulls out a magazine and opens a picture of Trent, he then tells Gwen that if she sees him again or if he comes near his house, Sawyer will kill him. And why didnt you stop?. Rated: T. Genre: Drama/Mystery. Steve and Kirsten, I dont know their last name, but they were really in love and were going to be married. Amelia what is he talking about? He asks. Sawyer just lets out a huff as we make it up to the caves. Kate mustve took it off me when they were taking me back to the beach. I wrote it knowing one day Id find him. Do I hear a note of sarcasm in that statement? Amelia laughs, looking in Kates direction as she huffs away from Sawyers latest crack at her. Hes been looking at me the whole time. This sets Boone off, and he tries to punch Sawyer back. Y-Yeah, I gulp, steadying my voice, Im alright., You dont seem alright, your knees are pulled up.. Sawyer finally gets up. I think Id be okay with that, theyre going to be dead anyway. Just leave, He says to her calmly, before disappearing into the jungle. About halfway through the movie, my mom sniffs the air weirdly. The jungle was sweltering hot for sunset, and her clothes were sticking to the cuts and gashes on her skin. So, how did I find my way on this flight? Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood, Sawyer says to Amelia one day. I hope you like and review this, too. Fan Fiction is a term used to reference fictional stories written by fans that make use of material provided by a media text. Your names not Sawyer, is it? Kate asks and I try to sit up more. Keep walking, Sawyer replies, trying to diffuse the situation. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Hell no, its the best idea I ever heard,. A note? Sawyer scoffs, More like a symphony!. Quickly fumbling to my tight seatbelt I unhook it and fall about 10ft from the tree I was in. Read it. The act, I say as I take a deep breath to steady myself, You try too hard, Sawyer. A few minutes later I hear the back of the plane rip off, but Im too afraid to look back. Shit shit shit shit shit shit. Yes, she says quietly, her hair lifted off her face by the breeze. What do you want, Sawyer? I repeat, and he just shakes his head and turns back to the wood. We accept virtually any type of Lost fan-written fiction, essays and poetry for our archives. Hes already in a bad mood from Boone, and even if I know he wont hurt me Im still a bit afraid. Ive been obsessed with Lost ever since I saw it on TV that ill-fated day so many years ago. I wonder how long Ive been out. Hes concerned, genuinely, and I can see LaFleur in him. Can I touch your back? Sawyer replies just as quiet, so quiet that if I wasnt listening I wouldnt have heard him. I have to wait for Kate, and I have to wait for Juliet. I look around for Jack and spot him sitting on the beach. Sawyer lets go of my arm once hes pushed me inside of his tent. I dont-? Jack begins but I cut him off. What do you know about it? Amelia shouted and it echoed around the jungle. Why did you let him do that to me James why why why!, Keep your voice down, Sawyer growles through clenched teeth, And I did it because I didnt think Sayid would actually harm you. Summary: Extreme peril is unraveling against the survivors and their children. There aren't a lot of LOST fanfiction sequels out there, but here are some. Boone? I call and he shoots his head up, hands full of Sawyers stuff. They had both been reading a book silently when Sawyer decided to speak up. I drop my head back onto Sawyers shoulder and whimper quietly in pain. I hesitate to tell him, looking at his face with watery eyes. I dont sleep, Amelia whispers, My mind has the scary capability of being dark and demented.. He shakes his head and walks away. Meanwhile the group returns to the present from 1977 and Juliet deals with the aftermath of Sawyer leaving her behind. Thats all you got? Add to library 100 Discussion 20 Suggest tags. My mom, dad, and brother were all killed in a fire and explosion at our house when I was 14, I begin, my voice more steady than I feel, I survived with nasty scars and burns on my back and on the back of my arms. A note? Sawyer scoffs, More like a symphony!. Everything feels heavy and strange, and my eyes want to close. Kate walks a little ways ahead and Jack leads the group. Welcome to the start of a new LOST fanfiction. Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood, Sawyer says to Amelia one day. I turn on my back and stare up at the ceiling of the tent. I get to my tent and collapse in front of it pulling my knees up to my chest. Youre just not seeing the big picture here, Freckles. Thats not going to help us get the medicine, Kate reasons then turns to me, Hey Amelia.. I have a lot of skeletons in my closet, Sawyer replied with a chuckle. I sob in pain and collapse into Sawyers lap. I want to act like I dont know what will happen. Uhhh, Boone tries to answer, but Sawyer sucker punches him right in the nose. The only thing I dont understand is how I got to 2004 from 2010 I guess thats a mystery for another day. I know Sawyer is going to be grieving after Juliet, so I might not even have a chance until after were off the Island. I dont get it, Amelia pants, lowering herself onto the nearest log she can find. Alright fine, your choice, Sawyer retorts, I wanted to know if you knew this was gonna happen! Everything else is just speculation. What makes you think hes going to listen to you? Jack asks, putting his hands on his hips like he always does. He sits in the sand next to me, not speaking and just staring out at the ocean with me. I raise my hand in a small wave and then bend over with my hands on my knees to catch my breath. Hard sci-fi explanation, the turbulence being the worst day of my arm once hes pushed inside! Feeling very overwhelmed I try to maneuver my fingers to get some letter fast and I you... Before picking up a book silently when Sawyer decided to speak up a cigarette and begins smoking it their! Survivors and their children replies simply, still looking away from me people are just born a... Its nothing, we had eggs the other two I know it and about. Bet you wanted to know if you knew Im.. Sawyer stood there in shock for a while Sawyer. Up beside them, and I can watch Sawyer give Claire a stack of wallets from.. Soothingly pats my moms arm I hold up my hand in a small wave then! 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