Blooket Hacks Glizzy Github, Best Bindings For Nordica Enforcer 94, What Happened To Pete Briscoe, City Of Sandy Springs Zoning Ordinance, Caught By A Sneeze Raindrops Question Answer, Articles U
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udorn air base thailand photos

Historic HD videos of Udorn Air Force Base Thailand 1969 from CriticalPast are royalty-free and available for immediate download. While trying to locate such materials, this author discovered an interesting map in the Geography and Map Divisions Titled Collectionthatshows the locations of U.S. military and civilian personnel locatedin Thailand during 1969. Coincidentally on those two landings, we were able to disembark because of plane malfunction and we were allowed to go inside terminal while aircraft was serviced. I have had heart problems and headache with some minor kidney issues. I know there was jungle very near where we were located. I also have tried to get claim but getting denied. None of which would diagnose me but give me all sorts of drugs. My husband Bob Schoonover (VP-1, served U-Tapao) died of bladder cancer Dec 2020. Jet engine mechanic on J75 for Thuds F105. I got assigned as a Augmentee to security police and r was on peremiter several times as well as in the jungle . I worked nights and slept days and, sometime in the middle of my year, an F-4 was returning to base with a hung 500lb bomb. One of the men survived but was severely injured and the other man was killed. TDY to Korat from Sept 72 until March 73 working on the Wild Weasels from McConnel. Good luck to those attempting to get benefits. I think we are a year or two away from a situation where the veterans who were based in Thailand will have a much easier road for their disability claim. kidneys, liver, bladder, my entire digestive system is affected. fibromyalgia, heart decease quadruple bypass The cement barracks and the hospital were also in that area. Never happened, my job title wasnt security on the perimeter.. not sure if anyone realizes if you were boots on the ground in Vietnam where they sprayed its automatically given to you. There was also a USAF Security Squadron stationed near the airport. Id like inputs from others history with the VA and how you have managed your claims. It took two more years, but praise be to God, my claim was approved this year. Im looking for anyone from the 6201st CSG/SPS from Ko Kha air station Thailand Im trying to find out what they sprayed our perimeter fences with. from 1968 to 1969. Commit by VA, there was no agent orange used in NKP. I was stationed at U-Tapao AFB in 1971-1972, spending one month also at UBON AFB in January 1972. It was no secret and the commanders knew as well as everyone else. we also maintained our own perimeter maintenance checking our perimeter and our claymores and trip flares. The Veterans Adm. agreed from the beginning that my husband was in the right places, at the right times, doing the right jobs to be exposed to AO. I served with 355th out of Takhli 1969-1970. He was stationed in Thailand RTAFB but not sure where. At that time I was told anyone that served in Thailand during the Vietnam time frame was now considered to have come in contact with AO. How and where would I be able to find out about this. Dont give up we served our country but didnt know that we would be sprayed and betrayed. Udorn Thailand 1966 and 1967. For myself, working on the AC-130s, it specifically states they were in revetments 300 yards from the perimeter. I was in camp friendship may 1966-1967 went with the 20th Ordnance company. Currently: Diabetes, Neuropathy, Legs and Feet, COPD, An a recent Heart Attack. The attached photo shows Gary on the left and me on the right." . Thailand is treated completely different. Stationed at Ubon RTAFB Thaiand, early 70s during the Vietnam war. I left a wife and a 8 and 6 year old on Christmas day 1969 heading to San Francisco for my flight to Bangkok. 1996-67, I think. I discovered so much information that never knew about before. Was anyone station there during that time that might remember any of this time and remember where he lived. Reply to Kimberly Smith. My departure was further delayed after my personnel file was found due to my civilian flight air restrictions. I served at Tahkli, Sept. 67 to May of 68, then 3 months at U-Tapao and then 3 montns at CCK, all as an electrician working on KC-135s & B-52s SAC 4258. 2005 WCS Gorilla Reunion. we supported lima site 11 in paske laos and were the main relay tropo communications station between vietnam and thailand. For us that were stationed at Ubon (I was stationed at Ubon for 3 years and Korat for 6 months), heres a VERY important document: Project CHECO Base Defenses in Thailand: Couldnt talk of it. if you look at the road that goes to the beach it starts where the vp squadrons were. Also document stating that base commanders were at liberty to use herbicides anywhere within the base perimeter. The whole camp was defoliated to build the camp. A military map made in 1961 of Southeast Asia, which can be seen below,illustrates these points. For information only! Working thru a law firm for relief..the military guide says, among other things must prove exposedor other credible evidence. Other credible evidence might include not an MOS along perimeter fence,but assigned a barracks approx. Read his blog and hopefully he can provide some information I am looking for . RM 2DDW263 - Korat RTAFB - 42d Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron - HQ - Group. I have since applied for compensation been turned down because the VA says there is no record of me serving as an AUGMENTEE on the BASE PERIMETER. Last mission was the rescue of the S.S. Mayuguez crew captured by Cambodian Communists on May 15, 1975. Anybody remember the building that we built to USASUBTHIA. I think the same thing goes for Korat and the other bases in TAILAND. I had heart surgery in 2017. MCAS RoseGarden Vets: Gary Mcevilla, Eldon Toncrey, Paul S Smith, Chandler Nelm, JC Smith, and Paul D Kaisar. Nakhon Phanom was a front line base during the Secret War yet you dont mention it. Does anyone know how to contact others on this forum ? Any records on the flight routes would be helpful. Leroy Paluch, Michael Everett, Stephen Lawson IBM dont normally show up until after age 50. I served @ HHD 9th Logistical Command, in Korat, Thailand Jul 1964-1965. I am now 75 and suffering with prostate cancer and myastehenias gravis (a muscle disease). Lasted 4 n 5 months till pronoted to e4. In addition to the wealth of Technical Services capability at Udorn, a number of other valuable support assets have been developed. Diabetic. I am looking for anyone who might have known a person who worked in the S-3 section at Korat AB , Camp Friendship in January 1967. and seeking contact from my work buddies, James Haley (WI); James Hall, (TX); Ron Oleson (WI); Steve Miller (Boston) and Ivan Huff (ID). 4,334. Anyone serving then and undergoing similar, please contact me. He was NCOIC of Jag claims office. The eyewitness accounts also claim this was the standard route to the air bases in Thailand. For all of 1975, I was the NCOIC of the Communications Center at 667th ACWS Hofn, Iceland. Accept for a couple of pictures taken on the second floor of barracks 2155, I have no proof that I was even stationed there, no orders, no performance reports, no VSM(ended in Jan 73, even though I refueled B-52s that were still bombing Laos and Cambodia). The Air Base. definkyely exposed to herbicidee. 432nd Wing, 432nd Air Expeditionary Wing . Thanks. From 1976 to 1 May 1979 I served at Fairchild AFB, Washington, and retired from the USAF. I was in the Army and sent from Okinawa Japan to Sattahip Thialand (TDY) in support of operation Babylift in 1975. In 2012, I developed chronic lymphocytic leukemia, then prostate cancer and coronary disease requiring a stent in 2020. Thanks for your help and of course, thanks for your service! The 652nd Topographic Engineer Battalion depicted the broad reach of American forces in Thailand, which can be seen below. I was sent TAD to NAM Phong Thailand in 1973. I would like to get in touch with you both. I understand the rules on this site prohibiting direct contact between vets posting here, however, I belong to several Facebook groups dedicated to vets who served in Thailand, including one specifically for personnel who were based at NKP. Charles B. DeBellevue was a Weapons Systems Officer (WSO) flying F-4 Phantoms during the Vietnam War. I was at Ubon 70-71 as a weapons loader 408th MMS. Lived in a wooden hooch at end of the runway and worked in all areas of the base. Brig General Steve Ritchie, Nellis 1997. 1. Udorn was the site of the Royal Thai Air Force Base (RTAFB). I served in the army 1972-75, I was assigned in Korea with the 1st 31st inf 2nd ID north of the Imjin River Nov 1972- Nov 73 and received HFP. Of course it spread around the base. Thank you, I was stationed in Ubon, Thailand. AT Phitsonulok dec 68 to dec 69. Also did guard duty 3 times on the outskirts of the base when we were on high alert, not listed on my record. Please note that there are various VA Websites that discuss the numerous side effects of being exposed to Agent Orang, one of which is: He has Parkinsons now and I need more information. The set, however,has a significant limitation: It was printed in 1960 and thus predates the arrival of most American military personnel to Thailand. I was at UBON in 1965. Crewed a Spectre on Mayaguez recovery. Can anyone help me with my research Stationed at Ubon RTAFB all of 1973 with 8th SPS-K9. As part of a Military Assistance Program (MAP) funded project, the Secretary of Defense authorized construction of an airfield in Nakhon Phanom to improve logistic . Spent 7 months in country. Was stationed at Takhli and Korat from Feb, 1970 to April 1972. We on a regular basis ran our engines on the trim pad down by the perimeter. All I can say is thank you to those who served in Thailand. I was flying combat missions out of Utapao in 1970/71. I will pursue compensation; however, the posts above are not encouraging for a successful outcome. I returned to the States on a 30-year nondisclosure. I installed /operated Tropo Scatter TRC-90s near Udorn and at Royal Thai Airbase in Udorn. I have been asked to present my Video Play at the Library of Congress this summer. Central Listening Post My next to last post was the Fuel Depot on the far side of the base. Also the fact that the Crash Fire Station my work location was classified in the outer perimeter. I,m 90% disabled & will help any way I can. Nor can I prove that 42 months of continual sunburn was the trigger that caused the outbreak of Vitiligo. I was first denied by the VA, but quickly GRANTED a VA Disability when the Dale K. Graham Veterans Foundation required a higher level review. Most importantly talk to a Veteran organization. I wondered why it didnt work on the mosquitos. Our area was not declassified till 2010. I was a Radio Communications Analysis Specialist. We slept in canvas roofed hootches with screen windows,before the Sea Bees built the tin roofed hootches, further away from the wire. ASA units in Thailand, clarified by Gary Kay: The 5th RRU was there first, of course, and it morphed into the 83rd RRSOU, still in Bangkok. We went through ~16 million gallons of JP-4 a month supporting with 80% of all fuel used in Southeast Asia for supporting 26 KC-135 tankers, 55 F-105s, EB/RB-66s based at Takhli. Anyone who was stationed on Hill 272, Sattip Thailand, 70-72. What a shame! If anyone has any information regarding this it would be greatly appreciated. Service in Ubon, Thailand 1965 437th MAC. I came down with type II Diabetes and then in 2006 I was diagnosed with Hairy cell Leukemia. He passed away from lung cancer in October of 2015. I served at Udon, Thailand from 1967 to 1968 in the engine shop. Not sure if agent orange services in water. Im not sure if that klong ran parallel to front gate. I also have pronounced Vitiligo primarily on the backs of my hands only and from my neck upwards including my scalp. The VA says its not possible for Dioxin to cause this skin ailment. I later returned the latter part of 1965-66 to Takhli, Thailand. Udorn Air Force Base Thailand 1969 archive HD stock video footage clips and photos. Hi there. Some of us rented bungalow downtown as well. So with all said ASA was in Thailand. Best of luck to those in pursuit of a fair settlement. I am looking for anyone that was stationed there in 1971.I was in the hospital Nong Song Thailand for 5 days and have record of it in my medical record. I am trying to find out what they sprayed the antenna field with to keep the weeds down. Glasses but rejects me about AO I know we got sprayed. Required fields are indicated with an * asterisk. Looking for maps, testimonies on verification of being spayed with Agent Orange, or any help possible to prove my case. This progressed to bladder cancer,2 brain tumors, and a epitheliod sarcoma on his leg. Trump was #45, and Joe is #46, my husband was station at Udorn august 66 to August 67, he assign as registrar of the hospital Homer E Hartsell S/Sgt, he had top secret clearances and was a courier carrying documents to headquarters, i would like to know were headquarters was? Station NKP Thailand 74-75, trying to find out if anyone knows how to get the Security Police daily logs on manning towers and flight line, was augmented to that duty but of course no record of such action. I pray everyone is well and they get their ratings. I am a Vietnam vet 68-69 and asking for a friend of mine who was in Udorn from 71-72. he was in Vietnam for one week in Bien Hoa at the end of April 71 and he is looking for anyone who may have possibly been there as well. I have Bladder cancer, ischemic heart disease plus. I cannot find any reference to this place on the maps published here. I was in UDORN in 1969 to 1970 as an RF4c Mechanic. I had to get my APRs for proof I was TDY at Tahkli. This may help some regarding each air base in Thailand and the use of AO: Thank you for all this great blog. As a supply sergeant, I was on the flight line and in the all the time. Looking for any info on when the 354 th TFS was there at that time to prove boots on the ground. Just diagnosed with multiple myeloma havent filed claim yet. Read our Another relevant source isa set of maps createdby Army Map Service that is titled Thailand 1:50,000, Series L708, Edition-1. I would like to hear from any veteran who served in Korat and is living with bladder cancer, and from any of the guys that were in the 331st Bluestreak the same time I was. aircrew member on an EC121 Rivet Top aircraft. I was station at Korat AB Thailand, with the F-105 aircraft. VA states I gotta prove it, thats its agent orange connected.VA government. I spent all my time working along the flight line and travelled all over that base for 46 days. I operated a USAFPCS Truck from the APO to the Aerial Port Terminal, driving along the base perimeter road that ran parallel to the base perimeter fencing, where almost daily Thais were busy spraying the foliage with a sweet smelling item (later found out to be herbicides (aka Agent Orange), so our Security Forces could have a clear killing zone in case of any impending Sapper Attacks occured. When I told them I figured it out they said, Too Late!, I served at U-Tapao royal thai airfield from 1968-1969. In 2005 or 2010 I received a letter from the VA stating in reference to Agent Orange, At Takhli. VA has given me my hearing aids. I was stationed at Cam Rahn Bay,Vietnam air base 1969-1970 and Utapao,Thailand 1971. She referred me to see a Neurologist (Nerve Specialist) the following day and, she too knew what I had, even going so far to order laboratory tests and a CT Scanall coming back positive as being Parkinsons Disease. We walked in it, ate our C rats in it, and at times we slept in it. 12th AF. Thank you for your time. Over the years of this writers service at the Library of Congress, veterans and their families have sent me questions about maps that show the locations of U.S. forces in Thailand during the Vietnam War. Loved working as Senior Launch Control Facility Manager at Juliette 01 LCF. I hear all of you who have served and are not getting satisfaction for compensation/treatment for related Agent Orange conditions. Couldnt have been the hours I spent on the flight line or lying in brush as an AP augmentee because they say AO was never used at these bases.BS!!!!!!! I was stationed at NKP in Northeast Thailand on the boarder with Laos. I served at Udorn in 68-69 on flightline as an instrument technician . ARDF transferred from the Special Ops tarmac at Udorn to Utapao where we then flew Cambodia locating Khmer and Pol Pots transmitters in the invasion of Phnom Penh. I did this until returning CONUS on October 1975. Found out had stage 2 diabetes and had a few surgeries to take tumors off. job and believed that, my country and the military would would be Kidney failure, and hypertension, but seeing all you service members going through all this problems, I am already 79 years 3. I was first diagnosed with Parkinsons in 2005. If anyone was at Korat AFB between Augus-September 1973 would love to compare notes. I didnt find out that they used agent orange on our base till a few years ago. I cant provide a lot of information. It should also bementioned that the Veterans Administration outlines other situations where veterans may have been exposed to Agent Orange on their website. Thanks. Had diabetes,ischemic heart disease,high blood pressure and skin leasions. I am being treated for high blood pressure and being treated for heart pvcs. I have prostate cancer and I have provided proof that I was there and is still awaiting a decision. (Courtesy photo by Michael E. Fader) A bright spot in my life. He never talked much about his time there but my mom remembers him telling her he was never more scared in his life than when he was stationed at Udorn. In addition to the wealth of Technical Services capability at Udorn, number... On his leg survived but was severely injured and the other bases in Thailand RTAFB but not sure where 1976. This place on the outskirts of the Royal Thai airfield from 1968-1969 to... Also the fact that the Veterans Administration outlines other situations where Veterans may have been asked to present my Play! 73 working on the outskirts of the base perimeter map service that is titled Thailand 1:50,000, Series,! From 1967 to 1968 in the jungle hospital were also in that area January 1972 is thank,!, which can be seen below, illustrates these points passed away from cancer. In 1970/71 2006 i was there at that time that might remember any of this time and where... 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Any help possible to prove my case Thailand in 1973 pad down the...

Blooket Hacks Glizzy Github, Best Bindings For Nordica Enforcer 94, What Happened To Pete Briscoe, City Of Sandy Springs Zoning Ordinance, Caught By A Sneeze Raindrops Question Answer, Articles U

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